Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It has been forever since I have posted and I apologize. I have no excuse, other than I am a lazy sot who needs a good kick in the pants. Well, I have gotten the good kick in the pants… though I barely felt it ‘cause I’ve gained a zillion pounds since October! The detox went great, as you can see. I lost 10+ pounds, and since Halloween I have put it all back on, and then some. However; 2008 will be a fit year. Just as 2007 was going to be a fit year, the difference… I have my gal pals behind me and doing the fit thing with me. Having a support group always helps.

Which is another reason I am blogging once again. I figure the worldwide web is a huge support system in itself. If nothing else, blogging about my daily ups and downs will be therapeutic, and I won’t need a medium of storage for my daily notes.

This next year is going to be fun-filled. I will take a page from a fellow blogger’s- and a good friend- book and let you all know up front the goals I have for 2008:

Save for a down payment on a home of my own
Get my First Degree Black Belt in American Karate
Take up yoga on a regular basis
Take a spiritual inner journey
Trip to CA
Another detox, and as many as it takes to stay healthy
Find myself
Continue to raise a healthy, happy, well-adjusted child
Support my friends as they graduate from college, and start families

Wish me luck folks! This list is subject to change… at whim… as is my life, on a regular basis.



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