Monday, July 23, 2007

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the Great Detox. :)~ I have officially begun my journey into healthier eating by beginning my 28-day detox on Sunday, July 22nd. Keep up with my progress here and see how well I fare.

If you have any great healthy recipes that include whole fruits, veggies, or rice; please post a comment or give me a link! I could use all the help I can get since I am not Martha Stewart or Julia Child in the kitchen!

Wish me luck! And check back often to see how I'm doing. :)


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I used to wonder what drove people to do what they do. I don't wonder anymore... I gave up. Human beings will never understand each other.

We lie
We cheat
We steal
We abuse
We mistreat
We pollute with word and deed... and for what?

For some it's a game; though I'm not sure who actually wins. Some people have just been hurt so badly in their lives that they make it their mission to make sure as many people as possible feel the same way. Why? Who benefits? No one.

I am trying to leave the world a little better than I found it, but my fellow man is making it really hard.


Monday, July 09, 2007

That's all I can say. Someone knows what I mean. Ugh!


Sunday, July 08, 2007

OK, I decided I needed to get back into the world of technology so as not to miss the boat. I also have some news I want to share: I'm going to detox. No, I'm not an alcoholic, or a drug addict. I'm a food addict. I am attempting to fulfill one of my New Year's resolutions; Living Well- meaning living healthy. :)

Join me as I attempt to omit foods from my diet in an effort to cleanse my system and find out what foods I may be allergic to, or that just plain make me sick. I'm freaked out. I'm so used to the 'standard American diet' that the idea of actually eating fruits and vegetables every day seems slightly daunting. Let's watch what happens. :)

Stop back every now and again and see how I'm doing. I will attempt to keep up with entering my progress throughout the 28-day process.
